Sunday, March 30, 2014

Learning Curve

We've had a CRAZY month!! The boys have bounced around the whole neighborhood/ward three or four times over with play dates every single weekday throughout March. We had SO many volunteers that helped us out while things were rough! I was tickled each time they came back from a friend's house and was told they were so good!
They've discovered what it means to be a superhero.

They took a while to adjust to the play date life. Now they're adjusting back to life at home again with Mom (and Dad). Most importantly they're adjusting to following our home rules again. Who knew a two and four year old could master talking back? Our golden phrase is, "Okay, Mom." They know it. They get stickers on a "good job" chart every time they practice. 

Truth is they're so sweet! They love to help me and will come running and do whatever I ask if they know I just need help. I had no idea who much I missed their touch until I had a few days of us hanging out on the couch together this week. 

The quiet was nice, but the noise seems more fitting for our house.

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