Monday, June 30, 2014


My baby turned three!

He was SO excited to turn three and celebrate his birthday! 

This kid is 100% all about pirates right now. He woke up to a birthday treasure hunt where he got a Captain Hook costume and pirate accessories. We got a little Saturday work in and had grandparents over for cupcakes, decorated with pirate wafers and chocolate pirate treasure coins! 

Nate picked his favorite place to eat out for dinner--IHOP!

We wrapped up the day playing in sprinklers in the back yard and a glow-in-the-dark bath. 

This three year old:

-Is all about independence--typical three year old! He dresses himself (99% of the time his shirt, pants, underwear AND shoes end up backwards), uses the bathroom by himself, tries to do his own car seat buckle, etc. He can play, eat, and clean up after himself with only reminders along the way. 

-Can out eat me. This kid is SOLID. 

-Still throws *loud*, long-lasting tantrums at the drop of a hat. He can be a force that's not to be tamed. 

-Is the first to give. If he knows someone wants something, he'll often give it to them without even thinking or expecting any praise or exchange in return. 

-Has never outgrown the need to climb all over a grown-up sitting/laying down comfortably. The need to feel his hands, knees, elbows, and feet all over someone else has existed since before he was born. 

-Still HATES being cold or wet. I asked him to help me pick up an ice cube that dropped and you'd thought I was torturing him to walk it over to the sink. 

-Is a HUGE tease. He gets that twinkle in his eye (all from Daddy) and the cackle to tell when he's about to pull one on you. It's impossible not to laugh. 

-Definitely wins over everyone who meets him. He briefly met his upcoming preschool teachers for this fall and they could not get over how cute they thought he was. Even after we left they couldn't stop talking about how cute he was. 

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