Sunday, April 6, 2014

General Conference

We have loved watching general conference this weekend! I love how spiritually full I feel afterwards! And also inspired enough to know exactly where I need to improve in my life.

A few thoughts that have stuck with me:

-One talk (forgive me, I forget which one it was on Saturday morning) referred to a story of a women in her trailer home during a tornado. She had not known it, but her entire home was lifted up and moved on top of a neighbor's house during the storm. The analogy stuck with me that we often don't feel ourselves drifting in directions until we've gone further than we guessed. Good or bad.

-Elder Holland hit a nail on the head that's been itching at me. Often our religion has been called out as "not Christlike" when discussing controversial topics. We very much can still be Christlike and defend our beliefs. It won't always be the popular route, but it is worth it.

-I especially loved Sister Steven's statement about the gospel not being weight, but wings. I've seen members leave because they feel too constricted in the church. But if we experiment with the words of the prophets, we find liberation from consequences of bad choices. We become free.

-Elder Nelson spoke on the simple principle of truth. "Truth is truth." No matter how few or how many are right or wrong, truth is not swayed by popular vote.

-Elder Scott reminded us to keep sharing the gospel simple. The gospel is simple. Our basic testimony of Jesus Christ is the center, and all other aspects are just appendages.

The truth is it's hard to pick just a few. If the transcripts were up I'd remember how each statement touched me in some way. It was amazing to hear so many great messages!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I love seeing the things that spoke to you and having a brief review of the things that I loved as well.
